ALMOST Forgotten Tune #5

So, this ALMOST forgotten tune is REALLY personal!  Last Sunday, I watched , Fame, (the 2009 version).  It was a free movie OnDemand.  I remembered liking the first one and this one wasn’t so bad even though no student yelled in the stairwell that, “This school sucks!” when they didn’t make it into the school.

It was about the middle of the movie when this girl who was struggling with the music she wants to play and being forced to play classical piano by her parents begins playing the piano in an ALMOST empty auditorium.   I recognized the beginning bars and knew the words that she was going to start to sing so naturally, because I was home alone, I had to sing along with her! The song sounded vaguely familiar and then it all came rushing back to me!

I SANG this song  in high school!  It was in the review that we did my Senior year! I  still wasn’t positive that I sang it so I asked my cousinT, Shannon, if I did or not. I was staying with her at that time because my mom was helping her mom recover from  double knee replacements.   My dad worked nights so leaving a 17-year-old at home alone was not an option.   Probably not!

My cousin and I shared a room and she helped paint chairs for that show. She confirmed my inkling of a  memory. So, now after I remembered singing this, it’s been a long time since I sang!  My pipes are not what they used to be so I downloaded the song on Apple Music and attempt to sing it often!   I didn’t  even sound as good as this girl when my pipes were in their prime but, I still try!

“Out Here On MyOwn”.  Irene Cara