12.5.16 “Not Medically Necessary”

I went back to work that Monday, December 5th. It was a rough day. For many different reasons! I was able to ice my knee and that was a fiasco in and of itself.  I could feel my leg throbbing more because I was doing a lot more than just sitting at home.  I looked forward to going to physical therapy and getting my knee worked on, I swore it was swelling by the minute!

I can’t tell you where exactlyI was when I got Luba’s call (but I know that I was in public) but I remember the feeling after receiving it.  I felt the sting in my eyes and nose as I tried to hold back tears after I hung up the phone.  I had that hollow in my throat as if I’d just been punched in the stomach.   The responsible party was no longer paying for my physical therapy.  They hadn’t paid for my last seven visits.

I told her that I had Dr. Frush’s prescription for extended physical therapy but Luba told me not to come to ATI until this gets straightened out.  She wasn’t sure if it was my fight or theirs to get this paid for.  She was going to get answers and get back to me.  I was shocked and completely at a loss!  I asked her what their reasoning was because I was STILL in a lot of pain!  She told me that they said that physical therapy was, “not medically necessary.”  I hung up shortly after hearing this and focused on holding back my tears instead.

One thought on “12.5.16 “Not Medically Necessary””

  1. Ugh I hate that phrase “not medically necessary”!! That’s why I’m not it pt anymore right now. It’s so frustrating that someone else besides your doctor can dictate the care you need! ☹️

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