5.12.16 “There it is!”

We were running a bit late so my Mom pushed me into Barwis over to the black table.  Nick was kind of on the other side of the gym and told us to make out way over to the shuttle.  I looked back over my right shoulder and told my Mom that she HAD to see this.  She wheeled me over and it was just Nick getting me on to the shuttle.  I was excited and wondered where Nico was.  Nick got me on the shuttle and situated.  Just then, he came of the break room with his stuff.  He was leaving.  He asked when I would be there again.  I told him Tuesday and we wished each other a good weekend.

Nick had me bend my legs, he used his foot to pull me down toward the platform so my knees would bend just to start.  I started pushing with ease because there was no band on.  It was a little difficult to bend my legs but I was able to.  I did 10 of these.  I did them well and Nick was pleased.  He looked at me and encouraged me to do 10 more.  I did.  I felt really good and made me happy that my Mom was here to see me.  Megan walked by to see me do my second set of 20 with ease.  She looked at my legs and exclaimed, “There it is!” and smiled. I smiled too along with Nick.

I could feel my legs getting warm.  A good warm and that made me smile more.  Nick had me do another set.  Wow!  I haven’t felt productive like this in a LONG time!  For my last set, Nick had to pull me down a bit with his foot but I could straighten up nicely on my own.  He got me back into my chair and told me that I did a total of 80.  I didn’t even care that they were band-less because they felt SO good!

I asked my Mom what she thought on our way to my house.  She smiled, nodded, and said, “Good!”  I asked her if it looked like I could control my legs and she said, “Yes.”  Hearing that made me feel so good!  I was happy and my legs were warm and tired as I drove home.