4.5.16 Home

My Mom got me out of the car and wheeled me into Barwis.  It had been SO long since I had been there.  The smell of the gym was comforting.  It smells like turf.  I was home.  It felt good!  My appointment was at 7 opposed to 6 and I was on Tuesday and Thursday instead of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  I wouldn’t be there for “Wacky Sock Wednesday” or even “Walking Wednesday” (whenever those days came back around) but I didn’t care!  Elle talked with Luba and wanted to get me back on the schedule with a consistent trainer.  Hence, Tuesdays and Thursdays with Nick.  Thursday IS my favorite day of the week and I’ve worked with Nick before so this was a Win-Win situation.

Nick started working on me while I sat in my chair.  My legs were SO TIGHT!!!  Nick could hardly get them to bend!  He worked on me very methodically.  I could see him working extremely hard.  I apologized for my legs being so stiff and he told me to not be sorry.  He worked for a long time as I sat in my chair.  Then he helped me onto the black table.  He set my feet flat on the floor and I was able to stand because my legs were so tonic.  He helped me pivot so I could sit on the table.  He was able to work my legs better as I laid on the table.

The more he stretched and worked them, the easier it became because my legs began to feel like Jell-O.  It had been SO long since my legs felt this relaxed.  He finished up and asked if I could stand up to get back into my chair.  I thought about it for a moment and then shook my head and smiled a lazy smile because I was tired.  He had Megan come over and help him greet me back into my chair. He grabbed my arms and Megan grabbed my feet.  They both lifted me off of the table and back into my chair and I couldn’t have helped  them if I wanted to but I felt too exhausted to even try.  It’s good to be home!