5.20.15 “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #17 OR “Positivity Wednesday” OR “Walk On”

Madison and Nick both met me by my car as I was transferring to my chair.  I told them that I could do it on my own and would WOW them with my ability.  After they both watched me successfully do it, I pulled my pant legs up to show them my Wacky Socks with a smile.  Nick pushed me inside and began kneading my calves as I sat in my chair.  He loosened my legs up enough for me to stand and he guided me unto the table.  He proceeded to stretch my legs out so they felt not as tight and more relaxed.  He told me that my legs felt better than they did on Monday and I agreed.  Monday was an EXTREMELY hard day for me and I was glad that I felt better.  Well, it WAS “Positivity Wednesday” as Nick called it and I was all for it.  He had me flip over and lay on my stomach.

He stretched my legs back one at a time and my heels touched my butt!!!  Now, I KNOW my butt is big but it still was an accomplishment to get that much of a stretch!  I was happy!  Heather (an intern) came over to talk with Nick.  I found out that they both went to Central and here I was wearing my “Standing Shirt” from Western.  I joked about them being from my rival school but assured both of them that I was only a 1/4 Bronco (I transferred to U of M-Dearborn after my diagnosis to be closer to my Neurologist).  As I laid on my stomach, Nick had me offer resistance as he pulled my legs down (some PNF stretching).  This was very difficult for me and was only made easier by my loud grunting as I tried to keep my legs up.  Nick was pleased with my little bit of resistance and he seemed positive about my progress (it WAS “Positivity Wednesday”).  After this, he had me sit up and balance sitting straight up with my feet on the floor.  I was able to do it for over 2 minutes.  I told him it was from all of the crunches I’ve been doing since Jesse and Adam.  It’s not giving me a flat stomach (I think childbirth has A LOT to do with that) but it allowed me to engage my core.  That engagement is something I do NOT get by being in a wheelchair all of the time. Megan came by and we took a picture of our socks because it was “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #17:

WS #17

Nick put me in my car easily and I heard Mike’s song AGAIN as I pulled away (its popular right now!).  Once I was on the freeway, “Walk On” came on.  It is one of my FAVE U2 songs! I haven’t heard that song it SO LONG!!!  I turned it up to “jam mode” and belted it out at the top of my lungs.  I wondered if tears would come because I felt such strong emotion yelling these words.  They didn’t but I was okay if they did.  I’ve been practically LIVING in my “Standing Shirt” at Barwis lately and as I drove home; I felt the promise of walking again.  It was a feeling I haven’t felt in a LONG while and having it felt REALLY good!