9.15.14 Bothersome

Yesterday, I was able to transfer from my car to my chair by myself.  I was tired.  I moved my time from 5 to 7 on Mondays because I have my “Move It Monday workouts” for staff and students at my school because I am a “Move It Monday” Ambassador.  My legs felt REALLY tight as Phil stretched me at the Keiser machine.  He told me to go over to the table.

He helped me on to the table and I laid on my back.  He stretched my legs and it hurt SO badly!!!  I asked him, “Why?”  He looked at me and asked for clarification.  “Why are you SO tight?”  I nodded and he responded.  “Weather, stress…” and kind of trailed off dismissively.  Then he added, “those things are quite bothersome.”  I laughed because I was reminded of my Dad.  He used to say “lonesome” instead of “alone.”  Phil continued stretching me and it continued to hurt.  VERY SLOWLY my legs started to relax.  He had me sit up with my legs dangling over the side of the table while he stepped away for a minute.  I willed myself to relax my legs and they were dangling when he came back.  He sat in my wheelchair and kicked my feet a bit.  They remained relaxed.  I asked him if my legs were less bothersome and he smiled and nodded a little.  He helped me into my chair and out to my car.

Once outside, I got in BY MYSELF!  Mostly.  Phil got my legs in and stowed my chair.  He put his fist out and when I put my fist out in answer, he just grabbed my fist, shook it, yelled, “Joystick!” and started to shut my door.  Before my door was shut, I yelled, “Oh, Come On!  I just want a fist bump!”  He laughed and shut my door.  I drove home with my legs feeling better than when I came to Barwis and that is STILL progress.  Slower than I would like, but progress just the same.