8.25.14 Re-Harnessed… AGAIN!

Phil helped me out of my car and stretched me at the table.  It was a long stretch.  He left and went to the storage closet and then came back to the table.  He had the harness in his hands and dropped it on my stomach and told me that we were going to get in it.  His eyes lit up and he smiled as he waited for my reaction.  It took me a moment to realize that he was going to re-harness me AGAIN! And when I finally realized that it was the harness on my stomach, I asked him, “Seriously?!”  He nodded in response and started slipping my legs into the holes.  It took me a moment to collect myself but I wasn’t going to object.  I knew Phil knew what he was doing and I wasn’t going to argue.

Was I disappointed?!  OF COURSE!!!  Did I want to cry?!  YES!!!  But, I held in all the disappointment and any tears and helped him get me into the harness without objection.  In my head, i made the assertion, “Do Your Worst!” over and over.  Phil brought the PURPLE half popcorn ball thing over and I asked if that was supposed to make things better.  He told me, “No” and set my feet.  Well, that was good, because PURPLE half popcorn ball thing or not, I STILL was harnessed… AGAIN!!!

I stood and did two sets of squats with 58% air assistance.  I liked it better when I could do free squats ON MY OWN!  But, right now, that wasn’t the case.  This fact is difficult for me to swallow but what other choice do I have?!  After the squats, Phil told me to go back to the table so he could stretch me some more.  He took me out to my car and I asked why I was SO tired and Phil said, “Because you stood and did squats.”

“But I really didn’t” is how I felt.  This morning as I was brushing my teeth, I was sitting up taller and my back muscles felt like they had been engaged because they were.  “Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”  I am REALLY being forced to believe this Tanzanian proverb and to apply it to my road to walking.  What other choice do I have?!